Corporate Governance

Surf Life Saving South Australia Inc. (SLSSA) is an incorporated body under the Associations Incorporation Act 1985 (SA) and is recognised as the official ‘State Centre’ and controlling authority for Surf Life Saving in South Australia. SLSSA is subject to compliance with the Rules and Regulations of Surf Life Saving Australia Ltd (SLSA) and is recognised for administering and focusing on surf lifesaving in South Australia. This statement summarises SLSSA’s governance practices that were in effect during the year, highlighting decisions and reporting in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of SLSSA.

SLSSA’s Board is responsible for overseeing business operations and strategic planning. It enacts SLSSA’s strategic direction and priorities to be both appropriate and achievable, ensuring the financial sustainability and security of Surf Life Saving in SA. SLSSA’s Board consists of at least eight members, but no more than ten, at any given time. The Board comprises the President and up to nine directors, four of which may be independent along with the CEO who is a non-voting member.

State Council

The purpose of the State Council is to provide guidance to the Board on matters that relate to SLSSA. The State Council is comprised of the State President and the Club President, or nominee, from each club in South Australia.

Our Board

Our Committees

Our Staff

Key Documents